Tortuous paths which, in retrospect, have led quite directly to destiny. This is one way to describe the career of Justine Nessi. She first studied interior architecture and design in Paris, then worked as an architect for ten years. Since 2011 she has also been exhibiting her paintings in galleries and later trained as a “maroquinerie” in Florence – in English: A specialist in the processing of leather.
And it is precisely this leather that is the focus of her L’Atelier Justine Nessi in Türkenstraße. Main subject: the handbag as the most important accessory for a woman. The sympatric French woman tries to feel the mood of future wearers, the bag should “feel natural”. And, of course there are several moods. The shapes are clear and reduced, the colors are perfectly coordinated.
Naturally, Justine pays great importance to details. She “rummages” these at flea markets on bags but also on other objects. On her bags it is usually the ‘linings’, the inner life of the bag. They can be remnants of Haute Couture collections, Japanese paper or tie fabrics. Since all bags are handmade by her, special requests are possible.
In the Makers Bible books and this web blog there are two types of Makers, if they are sole traders: The ones who are born into the job and never want to imagine doing anything else. And there are those who, like Justine after some professional experience, feel the urge to turn to something tangible and crafting, want to learn again and, with a combination of talent and endurance, set themselves a task that they can accomplish.
You can tell that Justine enjoys her craft – and that she feels very much at home in her small studio x shop. The combination of boutiques and studios on the one hand and gastronomy on the other, makes Türkenstrasse a constant magnet for customers who notice the small window and the displays in it. But it is also the neighborhood and the other shop owners who create this special “vibe” here, which satisfies both doers and customers alike.