Unteregger from South Tyrol makes two Product Lines from one Raw Material: The Milk of their 160 White Goats

The Unteregger dairy produces, not surprising, goat cheese. More surprising is their second product range: Natural cosmetics based on goat milk’s whey. Whey is a very useful and valuable byproduct from a dairy. It sounds like straight out of a business plan. A product produces a byproduct. That again is turned into a product. The Untereggers motif was a bit different; the principle however is the same. Why waste something that is produced naturally, on site so there is no transport involved.

Natural mountain cosmetics based on goat milk’s whey. Whey is a very useful and valuable byproduct from a dairy.

Unteregger Cosmetics - Makers Bible

The Product. It sounds like straight out of a business plan. A product produces a byproduct. That again is turned into a product. The Untereggers motif was a bit different; the principle however is the same. Why waste something that is produced naturally, on site so there is no transport involved. Applied to the skin, the antioxidants and the lactic acid protect our skin from free radicals and rescue it from dead skin cells. So whey is one of the best anti-aging substances at all. Or to say it in Untereggers’ words: “Whey naturally contains lactic acid that regulates pH and moisturizes and protects the skin against stress making it feel as soft as velvet.” The Makers Bible Team, a majority being male, are certainly no experts in cosmetics, but it is the story and the product that convinced us.

The Brand. Unteregger, located in South-Tyrol’s Vals at an altitude of 1200 m. Owning 160 White German goats for the purpose of cheese production. 350 liters of milk, daily. They produce a lot of whey, too. What Unteregger is offering is goat cheese and a cosmetic range based on goat milk’s whey. Handcraft is involved of both of the Untereggers’ product ranges. The goat cheeses’ are a range from soft- to hard cheese in various maturity stages. 

Unteregger Cosmetics - Makers Bible

Main cheese maker Manuel was a crafter in a previous profession and had worked as carpenter, it was the motif to produce something more unique and from life stock –goats are extremely friendly animals – that let him become a state certified cheese sommelier after completing his training as a master in milk technologies.

WebsiteUnteregger Cosmetics

Want to know more about Unteregger? Check out their website:

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